Die Macht der Zahlen

This article examines the role and importance of calculative practices in the process of establishing a global property market. We argue that these practices have contributed to the transformation of the property market into a calculable relation which makes it...

The Financialization of Rental Housing 2.0

This article presents two cases of listed real estate companies that operate in the Ruhr metropolitan region of Germany. The first is Immeo Wohnen, a subsidiary of the French real estate investment trust (REIT) Fonciere des Regions that was previously owned by a US...

Financialization of Housing in Mexico

For more than 30 years, housing in Mexico has been undergoing a transformation that is best studied using INFONAVIT and FOVISSSTE as starting points. Both funds were established in 1972 to implement the constitutional right to decent housing for workers and state...

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