Historical geography of the Pamirs.

Historical geography of the Pamirs Summary The Pamirs have been a contested space in different periods of time. Agricultural, economic, political and strategic considerations have played their roles. Access to fertile pastures characterised the local economic...

Afghan poppy production for the world.

Afghan poppy production for the world. Dynamics and entanglements   Hermann Kreutzmann   Global opium production has peaked in 2017 at more than 10,000 tons out of which ninety percent originate from Afghanistan; never before the United Nations Office on...

Wakhan Quadrangle.

The Wakhan Quadrangle. Exploration and espionage during and after the Great Game Hermann Kreutzmann The Wakhan Quadrangle became an arena of colonial competition and international interest when four powers – Afghanistan, China, Great Britain, and Russia – struggled...

Hunza Matters

Hunza matters – Ordering and bordering between old and new Silk Roads Since the mid-19th century, boundary-making in the Pamirian Crossroads had involved the redefining of contested spheres of influence between Great Britain and Russia. This ordering and bordering...

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